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【Congratulations】 Android / iOS cumulative total 280,000 downloads topped !! Daily check for fortune up

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【祝】【 2021年金運UPカレンダー 】大好評につき、皆様のおかげさまで累計30万ダウンロードを突破しました!!(2021年11月自社調べAndroid/iOS累計)開運日がひとめでまるわかり!!運気が上昇する日や宝くじの購入に最適な日など貴重な開運日をアプリで手軽に簡単チェック!◆金運カレンダーについて金運をはじめとした運気が大上昇するといわれる大開運日・吉日が手軽に知れる便利なカレンダー金運カレンダーでは、以下の吉日をご紹介!----------------------------------------------------------●大安(たいあん)何かを買うのもよし、手に入れるのもよし、物事を始めるのもよし、何事もよしとされる、知名度No,1の吉日の王様です。----------------------------------------------------------●一粒万倍日(いちりゅうまんばいび)大安に並ぶ縁起のよい吉日!一粒の籾(もみ)が万倍の稲穂になるという意味の日。1円が何倍にも増えるといわれ、財布とは最も関係がある日。----------------------------------------------------------●寅の日(とらのひ)古来より寅は金運の象徴とされ、千里の道を駆け、一瞬で戻ってくることから、お金が出ても必ず戻るといわれ、吉日の中でも最も金運に縁がある日で、金運招来日ともいわれます。----------------------------------------------------------●天赦日(てんしゃにち)神々が天に昇り、天が万物の罪を許す日。年に数回の貴重かつ万事にわたる大吉日です。----------------------------------------------------------◆運勢占いについて人気占い師「紫藤花(むらさきふじか)」監修。毎日の運勢・運気を楽しむことができます。◆紫藤花(むらさきふじか)プロフィール西洋占星術、タロット、血液型、数秘術、九星気学、心理テスト、易占い、四柱推命、姓名判断、東洋占術など幅広く活動しており、信頼と実績を兼ね備えた人気の占い師。◆占いコンテンツに関して総合運、金運、結婚運、恋愛運、出会い運を毎日確認でき、気になる日や勝負をした日の運勢をカレンダーの日付をタップすることによって、その日の運勢を楽しむことができます。※推奨環境本アプリではAndroid 9以上を推奨しますが、必ずしも動作を保証するものではございません。┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛「金運カレンダー」はユーザー様方の毎日がポジティブなものになるよう、サービス向上を行ってまいります。叱咤激励、また貴重なご意見等、ご遠慮なく頂けますと幸いです。▼ご意見、ご要望、お問い合わせはこちらから▼[email protected]※ご連絡の際は、件名か本文内に 「金運カレンダー」とご記載ください。┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛ [Celebration] [2021 Pension luck UP calendar] Thanks to everyone for the great popularity Over 300,000 downloads in total! !! (November 2021 in-house research Android / iOS cumulative) You can see the good luck day at a glance! !!The best days to buy lottery tickets, etc.Check your precious good luck days easily and easily with the app! ◆ About the money luck calendar It is said that luck, including money luck, will rise significantly.A convenient calendar that makes it easy to know the days of great luck and good luck.In the money luck calendar, we will introduce the following good days!-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ● Taian You can buy something, you can get it,It ’s okay to start things, everything is okay, No.1 famous day king .-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ● Ichiryu Manbaibi Auspicious good days alongside Daan! A grain of paddyA day that means that the rice ears will be ten thousand times larger. How many times 1 yen is multipliedIt is said that the number will increase , and it is the day most related to the wallet.-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ● Tiger Day Since ancient times, the tiger has been a symbol of fortune, and it runs on the road of Senri., Because it will come back in an instant, be sure to payIt is said to be back , and it has the most fortune in the good luck.One day, it is also called Money Fortune Invitation Day .-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ● Tensha Nichi The day when the gods ascend to heaven and heaven forgives the sins of all things. Its a precious and all-around Daikichi day several times a year .-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ◆ About fortune-telling Supervised by the popular fortune-teller " Murasaki Fujika ".You can enjoy your daily fortune and fortune. ◆ Murasaki Fujika Profile Western Astrology, Tarot, Blood Type, Numerology,Flying Star Feng Shut, Psychological Test, I Ching, Four Pillars of Destiny,He is active in a wide range of activities such as onomancy and oriental fortune-telling.A popular fortune teller who has both trust and achievements. ◆ Regarding fortune-telling content General luck, money luck, marriage luck, love luck, encounter luck every dayYou can check the fortune of the day you care about or the day you played the gameBy tapping the date on the calendarYou can enjoy the fortune of the day.※Recommended environment Android 9 or above is recommended for this app,We do not necessarily guarantee the operation. ┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛"Money luck calendar" is for users every dayService improvement to be positiveI will go.Please do not hesitate to give us encouragement and valuable opinions.I would appreciate it if you could.▼ Click here for opinions, requests, and inquiries ▼[email protected]* When contacting us, please include it in the subject or in the text.Please describe as "money luck calendar".┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛┛